Sophia – Team leader at Sense Barnet

Find Sophia's best thing about working at Sense!

Sophia – Team leader at Sense Barnet

Sophia – Team leader at Sense Barnet

Find Sophia's best thing about working at Sense!

Tell us about a typical day in your role at Sense. 
On a typical day I’ll spend time with the people who come to our service, getting involved in activities like art, music or cooking, or going out and about in the local area. Our activities help people to develop new skills but everything we do involves lots of fun. As a team leader I’ll also meet with social workers and attend care review meetings, to make sure that every person that we support gets as much as they can out of our service.
What do you find most fulfilling about your role?
The best thing about working at Sense is spending time with the people we support. I love seeing people enjoying themselves and hearing a room full of laughter. Knowing you’ve made someone smile is very fulfilling – even if it’s from something simple like making them a perfect cup of tea. I also get a lot of fulfilment from being a team leader, as I get to work with other professionals to plan the support we provide and think about how we can support people in all aspects of their life. I feel that I’m making a genuine difference to the people we support.
Did you have experience in a similar role before joining Sense? 
I started out as a student here, working towards my NVQ level two and three diplomas in health and social care. I remember feeling quite overwhelmed on my first day here, as I’d not spent time with people with complex disabilities before. But by the end of the day, I absolutely loved it. I knew I’d found a job that I’d find really fulfilling.
How has your career developed since joining Sense?
I was a student here for two years and then after completing my NVQ diplomas, I joined the team as a full-time support worker. After a while I set myself a goal of working towards becoming a team leader and that’s the role I have now.
How does Sense support you in your role?
I’ve always had a fantastic team around me, both when I was a student and then as a qualified support worker. I learnt so much from the people I worked alongside. When I became a team leader, I had to learn how to blend being a support worker with my new leadership responsibilities. This was challenging at times, but I felt very supported throughout the transition. I’ve gained a lot of organisational skills and I’ve grown in confidence too.
What would you say to someone who’s thinking about applying for a role at Sense? 
Being a Sense support worker is extremely rewarding. We bring people together, we celebrate differences and we encourage everybody to be their own person. Every day is filled with moments of joy and every day will surprise you.